Cannabis Edibles In The COVID World

Who could have imagined the far reaching impact of the Pandemic, Cannabis being deemed an “essential business” in most states where it’s legal and the fact that many people have suggested that given the respiratory impacts associated with COVID-19, that eating edibles (or drinking liquids) are a safer method for consuming cannabis?

Cannabis edibles present a wonderful opportunity to consume THC without smoking or vaping, as well as for creativeness. THC is being included in increasingly diverse types of foods and sold through dispensaries; many of which are being written about in this blog.

Sometimes chefs are infusing their edibles with a THC distillate and other times they are cooking with Cannabutter. Either way, here at Cannabis Edibles and Drink Review, we are
thrilled to see the continued evolution of edibles that contain THC and look forward to the day that any adult is able to try them.

It’s fascinating to learn about (and try) the different types of edibles that are being made around the country and in Canada. The days where “pot brownies” were the only option are long gone. Part of our mission is to uncover these delectables and share the stories of the folks who are creating them. Most often, we’re seeing well respected chefs who also have a passion for cannabis dominate the space as opposed to folks who are just looking to add another “commodity product” that happens to be infused with THC.

If you are, or know of a chef who is making their mark in the cannabis space, we’d love to speakwith them and share their stories:

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